We have chosen 10 images that we want you to be familiar with before the start of the school year, one from each APAH content area. (A complete list of the APAH 250 slides for the year can be found here: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/ap-art-history/introduction-ap-arthistory/a/required-works- of-art-for-ap-art-history) Look up each of the following 10 works online and find out some basic information about them: Who made them? When? How & why? Then write one paragraph about each that considers the following:
-What can you see? What is the subject matter? Finer details. The Elements of Art and Principles of Design
-Why? What was happening during this time that caused this piece to be created? (Think: Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, Art)
-What is its purpose?What was it made to be used for, or do?
-How are you able to tell the artwork can be classified by a particular artist, culture, period, art movement, etc...?
-Why or how is this work important to the time and culture? What makes this t into history?
-What led up to the creation of this piece? How did this work re ect the ideas during this time in history, and allow it to be a product of its time?
-What is the meaning of the artwork?
We have chosen 10 images that we want you to be familiar with before the start of the school year, one from each APAH content area. (A complete list of the APAH 250 slides for the year can be found here: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/ap-art-history/introduction-ap-arthistory/a/required-works- of-art-for-ap-art-history) Look up each of the following 10 works online and find out some basic information about them: Who made them? When? How & why? Then write one paragraph about each that considers the following:
-What can you see? What is the subject matter? Finer details. The Elements of Art and Principles of Design
-Why? What was happening during this time that caused this piece to be created? (Think: Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, Art)
-What is its purpose?What was it made to be used for, or do?
-How are you able to tell the artwork can be classified by a particular artist, culture, period, art movement, etc...?
-Why or how is this work important to the time and culture? What makes this t into history?
-What led up to the creation of this piece? How did this work re ect the ideas during this time in history, and allow it to be a product of its time?
-What is the meaning of the artwork?